Monday, April 22, 2013

To Market. To Market.

(photo from
This week is the bi-annual High Point Market, where a ghost town magically morphs into a real city.
This week-long event brings furniture makers, sellers, interior designers and their clients, buyers, artists, antique dealers, home decor companies and their clients and well-known spokespeople.
If you watch any of those Home Design shows, those celebrities will be here signing a book or promoting a line.

It's like a mini NYC for a short period of time. Local restaurants start carrying incredible cuisine that goes away until next Market in October. The local TJ Maxx (TJ Craxx, as I call it) carries Louis Vuitton items and Jimi Choo shoes, I have heard.

You hear languages spoken that make you feel like you aren't actually in High Point.  The local law keeps the streets clean of riff raff during the week. And a friend told me she can tell when it's Market, as there are seas of people around the import wine aisle in the local grocery store.

I have lived all over, so it is nice to have this area become a real city for even just a bit. Most locals rent their homes and go on vacation. But I like when Market comes to town.

The best part of Market, aside from the calamari Liberty Steakhouse carried that one year, is entering these buildings and seeing just what it holds. It is like this amazing high end mall with free wine and cheese.

I am lucky, I get to attend if I choose. My husband is the designer and craftsman for brandMOJO Interiors, LLC. So we get free Industry passes. Going to Market keeps me alert to the going's-on with that industry. Trends. Prices. And I get to go glad hand and try to drum up some local business. Plus I can see some of my favorite people.

Each year I meet someone new. And someone I am glad I have met. I am at Market though to find the hardwood furniture mixed in with slews of cookie-cutter imports. Shops like Calvin Klein Home, Klaussner, and La-Z Boy. And you hear people talk about a possible Martha sitting. I did see Paula Dean today. But she was on the side of a van.

And each year, we make more business contacts. Get to meet people and companies from New York, that we'd rarely have a chance to meet. And at the end of it all, each Market, we all get together at Liberty to enjoy that cuisine, to catch up, wish them the best, and we'll see them next Market. 

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