Sunday, September 19, 2010

Camera obscura

I see images in my head. When there is a memory, I tend to see it like a movie. Moving with characters. And yet, I also see images in my head that I captured with a camera. I have recently been scanning many a negative and slide from years back, thanks to a great local photog who loaned me his scanner.  These images have been tucked away in my closet and way in the back of my mind. Every so often I see one or a series of 35mm x 24mm.

Recently, I have been seeing these shots from Seattle. I went there with a good friend back in February of 2002. I used my favorite B&W camera, my Minolta Hi-Matic with that beautiful Agfa Scala slide film.

Yes, black and white slide film. I know, yummy, right?

And the scans came out as great as I could hope. Now, I can see how they print. Joy.


  1. These images came out great! This inspires me!

  2. Thanks, Kievonna. I am working on a treasury based on your Hendrix paintings. I will send you a message when it is up. <3

  3. I really like your Lower Floor pic. I could see that framed on a wall...awesome!

  4. I was in a nearly identical place to the floor shot with far windows:
