Saturday, August 13, 2011

A trip down memory lane

Collectibles. The blessing and the curse that it is. The sweet memories and images I see in my mind make it lovely.

I have decided to share some of my toys with the world, through our Etsy page MOJO Mercantile. Today I listed an item that takes me back so far to times when I was just a wee little one.

The Woodstock pull toy that flutters and flies and chirps when you pull the string. It is intended to be beside a bed or a crib for, trust me, hours of entertainment.

But what I find the most interesting is when I think to the major differences in toys of this current generation. For my friends' children, I feel as though they have been slighted. Sure this is a very one-sided comment and opinion, but I stand by this.

Nary a worry of lead paint or choking hazards, we lived with these toys and a caution to the wind. Swallower beware. Toy sucker beware.

I used to dip my sister's 1970s Luke Skywalker doll in peanut butter and lick it off of him. Despite what that must have meant about me then, I helped ruin that doll when all of his movements were gummed up with this sticky mass. My mom never freaked out about what it was we loved, rather that we took care of our toys. Obviously, Luke was an exception, as I was very little. But these remnants were not the exception for me.

I wonder what toys my generation will keep from their own children's collection. Think about if any of us would have kept those 1970s Star Wars figures. My sister even had the 12" Princess Leah. Sure, there was no way to get her buns back in after you took them out, but what memories!

Now it is time to hand these down to the next generation. I wonder when I will finally hand over my 1990s Star Wars figures? Somehow, I doubt I will ever get rid of my 12" Imperial Guard. I learned the first time.